Getting to know me

 Hi my name's Irving and I'm very excited and somewhat nervous to take this course. I'm not very familiar with the topics that are addressed in this class but from what I've heard from some of my friends who have already taken it, I've got the impression that it will change my logic and how I address different programming problems I have to encounter. So I'm expecting of it to really help me grow and learn a lot of new things as a programmer. I've also heard that parenthesis are a big thing in Clojure, so I'm really interested in seeing how that works haha. 

Some few things I'd like you to know about me are that I'm really passionate about music, I know a lot of people say this but I really find myself being the happiest while listening to music, I also love going to concerts, which sadly is not possible right now. Since confinement started, I used some of my time to start to learn the guitar and I think I've been getting better at it, but still have a long way to go. Lately I've found myself enjoying quite a lot music by The Smiths, it's a shame they split up long before I could ever see them live. Cinema and videogames are also two things that I really like, recently I watched 1917 for the second time and it doesn't cease to amaze me what a brilliant film it is, don't get me wrong I'm not some movie snob who just likes that sort of movies, I actually enjoy very much watching senseless action just for the sake of it. I'm trying to get into reading lately and a book that really got me hooked was Dune by Frank Herbert, many consider it a sci-fi masterpiece and I can see why. 

I think that pretty much describes the things that I love the most right now, but hopefully we can share more as the course goes on. 

Thanks for reading, cheers.


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